Ivan Chai Small-leaved tea with lingonberry leaf (Spirit of Taiga), 50 gr – 100gr
Lingonberry has not only an original taste with a slight bitterness, but also stores a lot of elements and compounds that are simply necessary for the human body: organic acids, vitamins, pectin substances and tannins.
£4.99 – £9.99
Ivan chai is made from environmentally friendly raw materials collected by residents of the Tomsk region. Blooming sally contains vitamin C and B, polysarahid, carotene and pectin, organic acids, macro-and micronutrients.
Ingredients: fermented leaf of black-headed fireweed, lingonberry leaves.
Lingonberry has not only an original taste with a slight bitterness, but also stores a lot of elements and compounds that are simply necessary for the human body: organic acids, vitamins, pectin substances and tannins.
Lingonberry CONTAINS:
vitamins A, B, C, E, K1
potassium, copper, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, zinc
pectin and tannins, flavonoids (catechins)
organic acids (about 2%): citric, acetic, malic, formic, oxalic, benzoic, glyoxylic, pyruvic, oxypyruvic, oxoglutaric
sugar (up to 10%): glucose, fructose.
The copper found in the berries and leaves of lingonberries makes them useful for treating diabetes.
Manganese has a positive effect on the function of the hematopoietic organs, takes part in carbohydrate metabolism (necessary for the secretion of insulin – a hormone of the pancreas), participates in lipid metabolism (prevents the deposition of fat in the liver) and cholesterol synthesis.
Benzoic acid is a natural antioxidant that strengthens the cell membranes in the body. The presence of tartaric and salicylic acids in lingonberry berries allows them to be used as an antirheumatic agent. Lingonberry skins contain ursolic acid. This acid has a hormonal effect, similar in nature to the action of hormones in the adrenal cortex. These hormones have anti-stress effects.
kidney stones, gout, pyelonephritis, cystitis,
gastritis with low acidity, inflammation of the pancreas, stomach ulcer,
hypertension, neurosis, anemia,
pulmonary tuberculosis,
vision problems
the initial stage of metabolic arthritis
hepato-cholecystitis, jaundice
cancer (cancer intoxication),
The leaves of the lingonberry HAVE THE FOLLOWING EFFECT:
reduce blood cholesterol
lower blood pressure
diuretic and disinfectant,
suppress the development of microbes,
remove toxins and heavy metals,
promote the assimilation of food,
Contraindications: with such an extensive scope of application, lingonberries have almost none. As noted earlier, you need to be careful with renal diseases in the acute stage, as well as in the presence of increased acidity of the stomach. Children, pregnant women and nursing mothers are allowed in reasonable dosages.