Ivan Chai tea with mint leaves (50g)

Fox and Honey

Ivan Chai tea with mint leaves (50g)

van chai is made from environmentally friendly raw materials collected by residents of the Tomsk region. Blooming sally contains vitamin C and B, polysarahid, carotene and pectin, organic acids, macro-and micronutrients.

Ivan tea with mint is created for lovers of warm and leisurely conversation. Gentle and soft aroma of mint relieves irritability, nervousness, improves sleep.


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Ivan chai is made from environmentally friendly raw materials collected by residents of the Tomsk region. Blooming sally contains vitamin C and B, polysarahid, carotene and pectin, organic acids, macro-and micronutrients.

Ivan tea with mint is created for lovers of warm and leisurely conversation. Gentle and soft aroma of mint relieves irritability, nervousness, improves sleep.

Ingredients: fermented leaf of black-headed fireweed, mint leaves.


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Weight 0.056 kg
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