Tea for strong sleeping – 100g

Fox and Honey

Tea for strong sleeping – 100g

Strong Sleep Tea will be useful for sleep disturbances, insomnia, anxiety, irritability and tension in the nervous system. Thanks to its sedative and relaxing properties, it normalizes the functioning of the nervous system of the body.


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The tea consists of herbs: blackberry leaf, agine grass, hazelnut leaves, mint leaves, lavender flowers, sweet clover grass, oregano herb, essential oil rose petals.

Useful Properties of Crimean Herbs included in:

· Properties of the Blackberry. Blackberry leaf has sedative properties. Blackberry leaf tea is used for general soothing effects. Reactions to various external stimuli soften, sleep normalizes, nervousness goes away, helps with stress.

· Properties of Agrimony. The plant has sedative properties, helps to normalize the body’s biorhythms. Agrimony flavonoids help stabilize blood pressure.

· Properties of Hazelnut. Hazel leaf is an effective stimulant for raising immunity, dilating blood vessels, helping to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, lowering blood sugar, improving appetite and the general condition of the body.

· Properties of Mint. Mint helps with sleep disorders associated with the psychosomatic state of the body. It relieves headaches, relieves nervous tension received during a stressful situation. It has a mild analgesic effect, helps with migraines.

· Properties of Lavender. Lavender has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal properties. Lavender is a natural antiseptic. Also, Crimean Lavender is an effective sedative that helps to normalize sleep, promotes early sleep, lowers blood pressure, and relaxes the nervous system.

· Properties of Donnik. Melilot also belongs to sedatives, antiseptic, wound healing and pain relievers. The plant is useful for hormonal disruptions, during menopause, diseases of the female genital organs. Promotes the normalization of the menstrual cycle, with female pain, headache.

· Properties of Oregano. Oregano has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body, thanks to its calming properties, it helps to raise vitality, and helps to cope with a depressed state. Tea with Oregano is allowed for children, it has a calming effect.

· Properties of the Rose. Rose petals are rich in vitamins C, B1, PP and D, E, K, as well as other useful substances – resins, tannins, pectin, glucoids and organic acids – citric and malic. Rose is able to cleanse the body of toxins, has bactericidal, antiviral and antifungal properties. Helps with insomnia, depression and fatigue.

Useful properties of tea: together, herbs enhance their beneficial properties and have a beneficial effect on the body. Strong Sleep Tea will be useful for sleep disturbances, insomnia, anxiety, irritability and tension in the nervous system. Thanks to its sedative and relaxing properties, it normalizes the functioning of the nervous system of the body.

How to brew herbal tea ?: One tablespoon of herbal tea should be poured over a glass of hot water. Important! Water should be poured with the one that goes through the next stage in the boiling stage: the separation of bubbles becomes massive, the water becomes cloudy and whitens. This is the ideal temperature for brewing herbal (and not only herbal) tea. Brewing herbal tea with boiling water can spoil the taste and reduce the beneficial properties of the drink. It should be infused for 5 to 15 minutes, then strain and the Healthy Tea is ready. Add sugar, honey to taste.

You can use Healthy Tea: one to two glasses a day for three to four weeks. If necessary, repeat the reception in courses two to three times a year.

Contraindications in this herbal tea are only: pregnant women, mothers who feed children, children under 7 years old, individual intolerance to tea components.

weight -100g


Weight 0.100 kg
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